They might get some traction from the Corbyn and Brexit points but smearing someone for representing unfortunates trying to enforce their human rights?

The Tories really are flailing about in despair. I have no real empathy with Starmer but at this point it really is “anyone but the tories”. It’s done and dusted. However based on conversations up here in the red wall Reform may (regrettably) surprise a few people.

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What's wrong with boring?

Clement Attlee was boring (Labour).

Sir Alex Douglas Home was boring (conservative) but both were effective politicians.

Boris wasn't boring, QED!

As a lifelong devotee of professor Spooner I often 'spoonerise' random words and names. Taking Keir Starmer as an example we get (allowing for poetic licence)

Steer Calmer. I would recommend such a ship's captain!

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After that puff piece in the ST - Sunak, man of faith and integrity - literally a few hours after, we get Tory voice bitching like 10th rate letting agents about going for Starmer’s jugular. They look nasty, sound desperate and people notice. I wonder though, so much of the client media are still going all in for Sunak … why? … the brand damage now must be considerable. Hope so.

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If that thing in the Times today had any basis in reality, and personally I think it reeks as much of desperation at the Times for a front page lead as of similar feelings at CCHQ, then it won't be long before we see a Starmer 'Demon Eyes' advert. They lost that one too.

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Or maybe Johnson can reprise his Jimmy Saville smear.

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That’s the other thing people can see through: that a Tory party containing elements ready to undermine the rule of law needs to be in rehab for a long time.

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