The Tory leadership contest - three bald men fighting over Kemi Badenoch’s comb.

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The Tories always rely on Labour infighting. This was true with Brown in 2008/9 when cabinet members resigned and Brown retreated from public view, just as Wilson did in 1968/9. No matter what the issue, it is impossible for the various wings in the Labour church to collaborate with each other without cries of treason. It was one of the major triumphs of Blair that he managed to hold the party together during three elections. Whether Starmer manages has yet to be seen as most of the errors have been in style rather than substance. The budget will be the first opportunity for the party to shoot itself in the foot.

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I think the foot got it’s first taste of target practice with the mistakes over failure to roll the pitch for winter fuel payments removal and then rubbing salt into the painful mood by accepting multiple freebies. At best the Reeves budget can start to heal the gaping and gushing wound. At worst it will be a scruffy, uncomfortable attempt at bandaging a throbbing and painful extremity.

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