On Sunak, bet he’s booked the biz class family ticket to LA for Saturday - he won’t stay. The polling is interesting. Weariness has set in for politicos and voters, everyone is going through the motions, and maybe Labour are slipping a point or two as the reality of voting gets closer. The supermajority attack line was silly, for anoraks, but the “don’t surrender” one from last week probably worked better, was more emotive, less irritating.

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Is the triumph of the far right in the first round of the French election likely to have any knock-on effect one way or the other on Reform UK? Not necessarily with the public, most of whom probably neither know nor care, but within the party itself and its strategic planning going forward?

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I'm a politics junkie but have still not heard anything about the expansion of food banks, shoplifting, and street begging. A return to Dickensian soup kitchens and street crime has been normalized - even the Labour Party doesn't seem to notice.

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