If you repeat a lie loudly enough and often enough, it doesn't become true. We Brits need to remember that. The Tories parroting of the Trump playbook and Sunak's hectoring ya-boo gaslighting is not something we want in our political 'debates' or from the alleged 'leader' of our country. The sooner these amoral no-marks are consigned to oblivion and the grown-ups can get on with fixing the damage they've done, the better.

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Mrs M. far more temperate than me, watched. She said the Sunak refrain of ‘surrender’ did cut through, but she thought it so martial that it ended up sounding pretty silly. And rather pleading. He started off campaign with National Service and is ending up with a claim that we are selling out the country to an internal enemy. Hmm.

Tories in their backs agin the wall moment have launched a late counter-offensive. The counter will enthuse some switherers. The offensive will pee off others. Brits are mostly centrists and the notion that Starmer’s lot is a Red Fifth Column is a big stretch.

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