It absolutely should be a problem. Over the last 14 years, we’ve had enough corruption and sleaze to last a lifetime. Everybody else has to pay their own way - politicians should not be any different.

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Is there any sort of limit to the value or type of hospitality and gifts and MP or minister is allowed to accept? Even in the USA, where the degree to which bribery in all but name is legalized and even integral to the electoral process, it is illegal for elected officials to accept the sorts of gifts British PMs (and, for that matter, monarchs) seem to routinely accept.

Perhaps it's just an odd choice about what is considered okay and what's not: Integral Britain tickets to a Taylor Swift concert is fine but cash for honours is a scandal. In the USA concert tickets would lead to a corruption investigation but a campaign contribution of several million dollars being rewarded with an ambassadorship is expected.

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And SKS also has an extremely generous pension scheme from his DPP days, so I understand.

The public are rightly cynical of politicians feathering their own nests

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