More like " Is Labour TAKING DOWN THE UK ECONOMY" + then plan to blame the Conservatives - again + again !


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I am old enough to remember when these ambitions were all the vogue. What happened to the previous attempts at upskilling the work force? I remember one company director telling me that they had increased the number of apprenticeships by 200%. Over 50% of school leavers now go to university and many find it difficult to get a job that they couldn’t get if they had gone straight into the workforce. Something should be done about that. In my day, I graduated in 1964, the companies went around the universities recruiting the graduates they wanted. However only 10% of our age group went to university. There is a need to help graduates find positions that justify the risks they have taken by going to university and incurring vast student debts. The school leavers who either do not want to go to university or fail to achieve the grades needed should also be helped. It is as clear as day that this help is available to the upper echelons of society. Several journalists have reported on the constant lobbying of business leaders to obtain places for sons and daughters of other business leaders. David Cameron was appointed Head of Communications at a TV company after a phone call from Buck House stating that someone would be pleased if he was appointed. Support is needed at all stages of our lives, especially when we are starting our careers.

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