If I lived in one of those constituencies where Reform might win I don't think that even that would allow me to cast a vote for the Tory. I think it more likely that I would cut off my hand. In any case the Tories and Reform MPs will no doubt be on the same side when it comes to voting in the HoC.

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We live in Exmouth and East Exeter and will not be "holding our noses and voting Tory". If the Survation figures are correct (and there seems to be some doubt about this) Labour and the Tories are neck and neck, with Reform currently four points ahead of both. If enough Lib Dems, and a few Greens, are prepared to vote tactically for the Labour candidate, it should be enough to see off both candidates of the Right. There's also a small matter of the Reform candidate's 2023 conviction for animal cruelty to be factored in. Full story in the Mirror of 6th June.

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Thank you for the link to the Stephen Bush article in the FT on immigration. I tried to follow SB from the New Statesman to the FT but they put all his articles in the Premium section which cost over £50 a month.

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