It is good to hear that Gove approves of the restrictions on WFA. This was always low hanging fruit for any brave chancellor.

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Gove may well have been ruthless in the execution of his reform of Education but where is the evaluation of his reforms? He ignored highly respected Educationists views. He introduced curriculum reforms that looked to the past and were wholly unsuited to the needs of pupils in the future. He dispensed with qualifications that suited a significant cohort of older pupils and their prospective employers. How many of his rolled out Academies and Free Schools were significantly better than the institutions they replaced. Evaluation on the same criteria please. They had many freedoms - exclusions, not attending to the needs of SEN pupils- and strategies that their non Academies counterparts were denied. Teacher shortages? He and his advisers presumably had the benefit of an exclusive education, not available to the majority of pupils within the UK.

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