It is a problem with intellectual socialists, such as Ed Miliband and Douglas ? when they achieve power they assume they need to revise everything that went before. Thus, in 2010 when Cameron and Osborne were starting to dismantle everything that Blair and Brown had achieved, Miliband decided he needed a three year reassessment of Labour policy. That took until 2013 by which time we had austerity in all its viciousness, the dismantling of Sure Start and the belief by Cameron that Miliband would not win the 2015 election. I discussed the stupidity of this with Guardian columnist Polly Toynby who assured me that the Labour leadership was bound to bounce back and defeat the Tories. The Rowntree Trust estimated that 170,000 had died because of austerity. Needless to say the so called policy review was a damp squib and came to nothing, apart from allowing Jeremy Corbyn to retain the Labour leadership without any requirement to have any sponsors. Brilliant minds quite often cannot see the wood for the trees.

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who lived there? I know these blocks, Grenfell an East African stronghold. Can you tell me how many legal occupants were there? Or even how many legal inhabitants. I lived in similar place in London, because they didn't keep proper lists, anyone who applied while they were filling it, got a place, a flat. People who had been on the list for years were not even contacted. I have little sympathy with this huge sob for Grenfell and apportioning blame, even to firefighters who are supreme.

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