Britain is basically just managing decline and slowly ebbing away as a serious World player that the World listens to anymore.

Where is the growth going to come from?

Our pathetic infrastructure alone doesn't lend itself to allowing for serious growth... Period

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Agree, and the people who for the Tory Party also agree. The main beneficiary of growth are the “lower classes” who can be easily persuaded that Labour are fighting amongst themselves “the Telegraph and Mail send me at least one report to this effect every day”. If Labour manage to turn the underpowered tanker around and head for growth the majority of people in the UK will benefit. The monied classes will benefit most, as they did under Blair and Brown. That didn’t stop them blaming Brown for the international financial crisis of 2007/8.

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"Neither side wants the conflict to tip over into a full-blown regional war that could drag in Iran and potentially even the US." Citation needed

"a spare apartment so Starmer’s son could study in peace for his GCSEs" a penthouse suite worth 18 million, and declared for a period extending 3 weeks after the exam period.

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